You are invited to the invitation only event for Legends Investment Network, a private global social impact investment network for professional athletes and entertainers.
Join 100+ professional athletes, entertainers, family offices and angel investors to explore the state of the Cannabis industry.
Matthew Nordgren, Managing Partner Arcadian Capital, Former NFL Player, TV Show Actor
Ben Kovler, Founder and CEO of Green Thumb Industries Inc (OTC:GTBIF)
Lindsay Blackett, Managing Partner, PeakTerra Ventures, Former Politician
Tiffany Liff, Managing Director, Entourage Effect Capital
Javier Hasse, Forbes Contributor, Entrepreneur Contributor, Managing Director Benzinga Cannabis
Sean Doyle
Principal Salveo Capital
Ricky Williams, Founder Real Wellness, Former NFL Player
CJ Wallace, Founder of Frank White & Think Big, Actor and Musician
Willie Mack, Co-founder of Frank White and Think Big
Tom Zuber, Managing Partner of Zuber Lawler
Jeremy Berke, Senior Reporter, Business Insider
Barrington Miller, Director, Canadian Securities Exchange
Robert Mandel, Partner, Zuber Lawler
Simone Sandoval, J.D., Director of Licensing & Compliance, Global Go, LLC
2:00pm to 2:45pm Investors Perspective on the State of the Industry
Javier Hasse, Forbes Contributor, Entrepreneur Contributor, Benzinga Cannabis (Moderator)
Matthew Nordgren, Managing Partner, Arcadian Capital, TV Show Actor, Former NFL Player
Sean Doyle, Managing Principal, Salveo Capital
Tiffany Liff, Managing Partner, Entourage Effect Capital
Lindsay Blackett, Managing Partner, PeakTerra Ventures, Former Politician
2:45pm to 3:00pm Q&A
3:00 pm to 3:30pm Legalization and Regulations
Jeremy Berke, Senior Reporter, Business Insider (Moderator)
Barrington Miller, Director, Canadian Securities Exchange
Simone Sandoval, J.D, Director of Licensing and Compliance, Global Go LLC
Robert Mandel, Partner, Zuber Lawler
3:45 pm to 4:00pm Q&A
4:00pm to 4:30pm Starting and Scaling a Cannabis Company - Entrepreneur Insight
Tom Zuber, Managing Partner, Zuber Lawler (Moderator)
Ricky Williams, Founder Real Wellness, Former NFL Player
CJ Wallace, Founder of Frank White and Think Big, Musician and Actor
Willie Mack, Co-Founder of Frank White and Think Big
Ben Kovler, Founder and CEO of Green Thumb Industries Inc (OTC:GTBIF)
4:30pm to 4:45pm Q&A