We will explore the residential, commercial and healthcare real estate market.
This event will include one keynote and three panel discussions.
Lavonne Idlette, Real Estate Investor, Former Olympic Hurdler
Martin Braithwaite, Partner of NYCE Companies, FC Barcelona Footballer
Philip Michael, CEO of NYCE Companies, Editor in Chief WealthLab, Angel Investor
Enrique Torres, Vice President of Development and Investments, Equinix (NASDAQ: EQIX)
Antoine Martel, Owner & Managing Partner, Martel Turnkey
Alex Bhathal, Managing Partner, RevOZ Capital & Bhathal Family Office, Co-owner Sacramento Kings
Tamar Katz, Investor, Former Acquisitions Analyst Kushner Companies, Former Olympic Figure Skater
Craig Martinez, CEO Wholesale Florida Homes Inc & Now Home Buyers LLC, Real Estate Investor
Jarred Schenke, Senior Reporter, Bisnow
John Gittelsohn, Real Estate & Investing Reporter, Bloomberg
Shahal Khan, Managing Partner Trinity Hospitality Group & Trinity White City Ventures Family Office
Natasha Solo-Lyons, Junior Wealth Reporter, Business Insider
Josh Childress, CEO of Landspire Group, Former NBA Player
Aaron Amuchastegui, Principal Homerock LLC, Investor
Matt Frankel, Senior Real Estate Analyst, CFP®, Motley Fool Millionacres
Don Wenner, Founder and President of DLP Real Estate Capital
2:00pm to 2:45pm Opportunities in Residential (Single Family)
Natasha Solo-Lyons, Junior Wealth Reporter, Business Insider
Antoine Martel, Owner & Managing Partner, Martel Turnkey
Craig Martinez, CEO Wholesale Florida Homes Inc & Now Home Buyers LLC, Real Estate Investor
Aaron Amuchastegui, Principal Homerock LLC, Investor
Matt Frankel, Senior Real Estate Analyst, CFP®, for Millionacres, a Motley Fool service
2:45pm to 2:55 pm Q & A
2:55pm to 3:40pm Opportunities in Residential (Multi Family )
Jared Schenke, Senior Reporter, Bisnow
Alex Bhathal, Managing Partner, RevOZ Capital & Bhathal Family Office, Co-owner of the Sacramento Kings
Lavonne Idlette, Real Estate Investor, Former Olympic Hurdler
Martin Braithwaite, Partner of NYCE Companies, FC Barcelona Footballer
Philip Michael, CEO of NYCE Companies, Editor in Chief WealthLab, Angel Investor
3:40pm to 3:50 pm Q & A
3:50 pm to 4:35pm Opportunities in Commercial, Industrial and Healthcare
John Gittelsohn, Real Estate & Investing Reporter, Bloomberg
Shahal Khan, Managing Partner of Trinity Hospitality Group & Trinity White City Ventures Family Office
Enrique Torres, Vice President of Development and Investments, Equinix (NASDAQ: EQIX)
Tamar Katz, Investor, Former Acquisitions Analyst Kushner Companies, Former Olympic Figure Skater
Josh Childress, CEO of Landspire Group, Former NBA Player
4:35 pm to 4:45pm Q &A
4:45pm to 5:00pm Keynote by Don Wenner Founder and President at DLP Real Estate Capital
5:00pm Announcement by Matt Frankel, Senior Analyst at Millionacres, a Motley Fool Service